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minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip(vm, pos, schematic, rotation, replacements, force_placement)


This method works in a similar fashion to minetest.place_schematic, but can be used with a VoxelManip for better performance when manipulating large amounts of nodes.

  • Uses VoxelManip object vm, which is the voxel manipulator you are using to e.g. generate terrain
  • Places the schematic specified by schematic (see: Schematic specifier) at pos.
  • Rotation can be "0", "90", "180", "270", or "random".
  • If the rotation parameter is omitted, the schematic is not rotated.
  • replacements = {["old_name"] = "convert_to", ...}
  • force_placement is a boolean indicating whether nodes other than air and ignore are replaced by the schematic

Note: Schematics are volumes and the position where you place the schematic is the corner of the schematic. If for example you have a 5 by 5 by 5 schematic of a tree whose trunk is in the middle, you will need to offset the x and z position by -2. If you don't, you risk misplacing the tree causing them to float in the air or be generated inside blocks on e.g. steep slopes.


The below snippet places the acacia tree from default at some terrain position with a random rotation when the data written at the voxelmanip index is dirt with dry grass. It

{{code local data = {} local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) for z = minp.z, maxp.z do for x = minp.x, maxp.x do for y = minp.y-1, maxp.y+1 do -- E.g. terrain generation code here end end end -- Decoration for z = minp.z, maxp.z do for x = minp.x, maxp.x do local ivm = area:index(x, minp.y-1, z) for y = minp.y-1, maxp.y+1 do if data[ivm] == minetest.get_content_id("default:dirt_with_dry_grass") and math.random(0, 500) then -- We place the tree if there is grass with dirt, but we could also have retrieved the y from the -- terrain heightmap in which case we would not necessarily have to loop from minp.y to maxp.y again minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip(vm, { x = x - 4, y = y, z = z - 4}, minetest.get_modpath("default").."/schematics/acacia_tree.mts", "random", nil, false) end end end end }}

Note: If you place schematics while performing the vmanip of e.g. the terrain from negative y to positive y, you may need to separate your terrain generation loop from the schematic placement loop or risk the schematics to be overwritten